Qs School,澳洲领先的学生与家长培训专校,培养心智快乐,高分高能人才。我们提供精华教育资讯,实现:情商+学术=卓越成长+快乐人生;提高学习动力和效率; 激发卓越潜能。
'We cannot express our gratitude enough for the support in preparing our daughter for her scholarship entrance test. Our journey with Qs School began in Year 2. Thanks to Qs School's effective system, we saw our daughter consistently improve over the years - then we were awarded the scholarship we had been working towards. I would highly recommend Qs School to any family aiming to secure a scholarship. It is undoubtedly a wise and worthwhile choice.'
R. Cheng
'Our daughter joined in grade 5. She struggled at the start and couldn't finish the practice tests. By grade 6, she was able to complete tests with confidence. We were already very happy with her progress, but were surprised when she received maximum scholarship offers from two leadings schools! Qs didn’t just teach her for the tests. They taught her skills for time management and self-regulation. These skills will continue to benefit her in life.'
J. Kwon
'If you’re looking for a supportive and challenging learning environment to motivate your kids, I highly recommend Qs School. The quality of their resources is top-notch. From textbooks, to online practice tests, to interactive lessons and free one-on-one homework help, the school provides everything students need to excel. Whether you are preparing for a scholarship exam or simply looking to expand your horizons, Qs School is definitely worth considering.'
陈焱老师的核心关注是: 现代的教育系统能提供什么以及不能提供什么? 如何拥有心智生命成长?如何拥有可持续性的内在成长力?生命的价值是什么?这个世界可以如何真正变得更好?我们能够为此如何做、如何生活以及如何承担责任?
陈焱老师拥有中国语言与文化教育学士,商业硕士。工作经历包括: 澳大利亚莫纳西大学任教6年、皇家理工大学任教3年、投资银行亚洲首席经理、曾推进一些知名Coaching School的建立和建设等。在校外教育和培训领域有长达20年的丰富经验, 对于培训应具备的能力有独到的眼光和能力。具有培养学生成长、年轻人职场成长、成年人的可持续成长的专业理解和经验, 通过多角度, 多类型的个人辅导、课堂培训及网络教学, 为中小学生、高考学生、职场年轻人提供系统和个性化兼具的专业学习, 教育规划和个人成长的指导,擅长协助学生出色发挥潜力, 实现重要学业和人生目标。
Kevin 郭
在国际500强跨国公司有近20年的经验, 并且在澳大利亚的大型企业有丰富的管理经验,多年来带领技术团队在澳大利亚及国际市场为企业执行多项重大项目,在风险控制,质量管理和员工核心能力的培育以及企业战略发展有独到的经验和能力。
同时, 在招聘选拔,人才储备,职业发展,团队建设方面,积累了中西方的人才培养理念和方法,对于什么样的年轻人在职场被选拔,被提升; 现代企业喜欢什么样的人才,以及年轻人应如何抉择,规划,提升, 具有丰富经验; 并协助学校从未来需求的角度建立教育体系,以配合家长和孩子们为将来的理想,从当下发展和培养能力。Kevin同时具备前沿的“Life Coach”技能, 配合学校培养家长成为孩子的生活教练和心灵导师。